Home Alarm Systems

Home Security
With the growth in our community here in Surfside and Potrero, home and property owners need to think about protecting their homes, business and their families from intruders.

While many people who have relocated here are familiar with Home Security Systems and may have one in their previous home, there are just as many who may have never to lock their door. While it is possible to live here and never face a break in or home invasion, we all know someone who has had this unfortunate experience. It is inevitable that the topic of an alarm system comes up immediately after a break in, and depending on what is stolen, it can be expensive to find and replace what was lost.

Many people think it is too expensive to install a full system, however anyone can start with a basic system and add to it when they can afford to. You can start with a few indoor or outdoor motion detectors, which can be connected to an app on your cellphone that notifies you whenever the system is activated. The same system can activate an exterior siren to alert neighbors and hopefully deter the robbers. The app can also send text messages to several others, such as a neighbor, a property manager or an alarm monitoring station. if one chooses.

There are contacts that can be wired to doors and windows, which are out of site of the street and the likely point of entry for a thief.

If you are building a home, we can provide your electrician the wires to run for a full system during construction, which helps reduce the cost of wiring everything after the home is completed.

If you purchase a new or older home a wired alarm system can be installed using channels or we can install a wireless system. If you choose to go with a wireless system, keep in mind that you need to replace the batteries at least once a year.

Cameras are another good deterent to thieves, especially in visible areas with a good line of sight. While cameras may not prevent a home break in, it can help the police identify the individual. It is a lot better than a simple description of a person. Cameras come in all shapes and sizes and can be installed in conjuntion with the alarm system, or separately. Outdoor cameras need to be waterproof and have good resolution both day and night. Interior cameras can be visible or hidden from view.

If you are thinking about having an alarm system installed, give us a call 8727-4916 for a detailed in-home estimate and we can provide options to meet you budget. If you already have an older system we can recommend upgrades to bring your system up to date with all the new features available.

Visit us at Canconnect.net/alarm-services

We live in the community and want to ensure you get the best options available to meet both your needs and budget.