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National Trout Fair in Trinidad de Dota

Costa Rica

This  Saturday, March 25 and Sunday, March 26, the National Trout Fair will be held next to the Church of La Trinidad de Dota and will include the participation of trout fishermen from the Cerro de la Muerte massif.

The hours of the event are from 9 am to 5 pm with the goal of promoting local fish aquacuture projects and supporting lregional business.

During the festival there will be music and places where you can get local crafts and produce including fresh trout.

"We have the mission of calling to increase the consumption of national fish and aquaculture products, supporting aquaculture producers and fishermen as a way to reactivate the national economy from a territorial approach, as well as remembering the nutritional importance of these," he commented. Heiner Méndez, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating 12 kilograms of fish per year per person, however in Costa Rica the average is 6.3 kilos.