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Annual General Meeting of the Surfside Property Owners Association


The official Surfside POA General Assembly will be held at The Shack on Saturday, January 20th. First call is at 9:00 a.m., second call is at 10:00 a.m.

They will present information about your POA Board, what they do, what they have done in 2023, and plan for the future.

This is also an election year so it is important to attend if you want a voice in who is running the next board and what the objectives and future plans will be.

According to the letter sent out to property owners, the meeting is open to all Surfside property owners. However it is important to note that, in order to run for election to the POA Board, or to vote in the elections, or to join in discussions you must have paid your 2024 Surfside POA membership dues in full prior to the meeting.

While it is understandable to require membership dues prior to a board election it is also a bad look for a "community organization". If they want to increase membership, which is currently very low for a volunteer community organization then they need to let everyone have a say in where the money goes, not just the Board of Directors.

There are many important issues that need to be addressed by the Board.

  • How they funds raised last year were spent, which will be part of the finacial statement presented. What are the plans for future expenditures?
  • Results from the ADI application that was denied. Plans of appeal or of joining with Potrero's ADI
  • Community roadway and drainage maintenance.
  • Progress of the SPOA Boards plans to transfer the community roads to the Municipality of Santan Cruz and what impact this has on property owners. This includes potential road widening and drainage work, taxes.
  • Restrictions on property development due to water restrictions imposed on Surfside by the ASADA under the direction of the AYA, while Flamingo and Potrero continue development and expansion.
  • Maintenance of beach access points to ensure community access to the beach through all easements.
  • Recycling and waste management issues.

Anyone who owns a property and anyone with a business interest in Surfside, will be able to pay your 2024 POA dues at the meeting before the meeting starts.

In the interest of time it is appreciated if you pay your dues before meeting day.

Surfside Property Owners Association dues for 2024 may be paid to Marta at Surfside ASADA at 12:00 and 4:00, or by contacting Marta at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by contacting the POA Treasurer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +1-805-795-7956. You may also go to our website at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and click JOIN.

Payment of your 2024 dues is important for your Board to be able to provide necessary services to the community. It's important to know what these necessary services are.