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Change in Driving Restrictions

Costa Rica

The President of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, announced changes to the weekend driving restrictions beginning this coming Saturday.

Plate number restrictions are no removed for the weekend, meaning all plate numbers can drive on Saturday and Sunday. beginning Saturday October 17th. Hours of allowed driving are also extended to 9pm.

Weekday driving restrictions remain in place.

The people of Costa Rica are now able to drive between 5am and 9pm on the weekend, and for those who are still working during the week, they will still need to find another way to get to work at least one day per week.

As we head into the high season with higher temperatures and more travelers on the road, many are hoping to see the removal of nightime restrictions. For those that need to travel long distances it is easier to drive at night when there is less traffic and the temperatures are cooler.

For now, we will have to continue being at home or your destination before 10pm weekdays and 9pm on the weekends and may continue again after 5am.


Saturday and Sunday: All plate numbers may drive between 5am and 9pm

Monday: Plate Numbers ending in 1 or 2 are not allowed

Tuesday: Plate Numbers ending in 3 or 4 are not allowed

Wednesday: Plate Numbers ending in 5 or 6 are not allowed

Thursday: Plate Numbers ending in 7 or 8 are not allowed

Friday: Plate Numbers ending in 9 or 0 are not allowed

Weekday restriction for all vehicles between 10pm and 5am