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Costa Rica begins a reopening phase

Costa Rica
The President of Costa Rica Carlos Alvarado announced the new measures for business for September that will ease the country into a controlled reopening phase.

This phase will allow businesses that are considered low risk for Covid-19 to reopen across the country. There is a transitional period beginning August 31 thru September 8th, that will affect the cantons under Orange Alerts, then as of September 9th all low-risk business will be able to open.

Concerts, festivals, topes, casinos, night clubs and discos, spas and other activities that result in large concentrations of people will remain banned. A complete list of activities that arenot allowed is available here at presidencia.go.cr/alertas.

Driving restrictions will remain as they are with an additional hour being added to the evening on weekdays and weekends. Driving is restricted from 10pm to 5am weekdays and 8pm to 5am on weekends. Plate restrictions also remain as they have been for weekdays and weekends.

The President is counting on the public to behave responsibly and maintain the social distancing and continue with hygiene procedures while allowing people to get back to work and engage in limited socail activities.

Good news for restaurants, stores and small business.

Beaches will remain closed from 2:30pm to 5am across the country and hotels may operate at 100% occupancy provided they restrict common areas to 50% of the normal capacity.