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"I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS": Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing

US Canada

Another solution is offered to reduce and prevent the spread of SARS-Covid-2

Pierre Kory, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke's Aurora Medical Center, delivers passionate testimony during the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on "Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II."

The drug referred to is Ivermectin. Ivermectin, an FDA-approved anti-parasitic previously shown to have broad-spectrum anti-viral activity in vitro, is an inhibitor of the causative virus (SARS-CoV-2)

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Of course this is only supported by published research papers backed by scientific data and supported by a range of specialists in their fields and has the potential to save thousands of lives.

The big question is whether Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates approves. Apparently we get our medical recommendations from computer software engineers now. That makes sense.