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$5 Million Dollar Bail Set

US Canada

Judge sets Darrell Brooks’ bail at $5 million cash following the Waukesha Christmas parade attack

Judge Kevin Costello set Brooks’ bail at the $5 million requested by prosecutors, referencing Brooks’ outstanding criminal cases and his inability to refrain from criminal activity while free from custody on bail

Prosecutors revealed at the first hearing that a child-the sixth fatality- had died as a result of injuries sustained from the SUV attack.Another 60 people have been injured in this mayhem.

The mainstream media has falsely claimed that the ramming attack occurred as an accident, with Brooks attempting to flee law enforcement following an earlier crime. Waukesha Police Chief Dan Thompson corrected this misinformation in a Monday press conference, indicating authorities have every reason to believe Brooks rammed into the parade intentionally.

They expect to file an additional count of intentional homicide against Brooks for the killing. 
