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Whistleblowers testify at Congressional Subcommittee Hearing

US Canada

Thursday Dec 13 was a big day in Washington, although it would be hard to tell from the days headlines. While most are focused on Cohen's sentence and Trump's comments on the ongoing Mueller investigation, there was a hearing looking at the Clinton Foundation and claims of alleged wrongdoing.

Mark Meadows, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, led the hearing, where it was expected to hear testimony from John Huber, who is leading an investigation from Utah.

Meadows told the audience today at the beginning of the hearing that the Department of Justice was unwilling to make John Huber available for the hearing today. Huber was assigned by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions several months ago, to investigate controversies regarding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Two independent investigators spoke at the hearing as did Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch. Lawrence Doyle of DM Income Advisors and John Moynihan of JFM Associates testified before the congressional committee.

Witness John Moynihan and witness Doyle accused the Clinton Foundation of using funding in the Clinton Health Initiative for trips, expenditures for personal use.

The witnesses told the committee they had to send their evidence to the Huber investigation team in Utah three times although it was not clear as to why. They also confirmed they had submitted their documents to the FBI office in Little Rock. Arkansas, and the IRS.

The pair submitted their research to the IRS as whistleblowers, with a possible payday should the Clinton Foundation be found guilty of tax violations. Doyle estimates the taxes owed are between 400 million and as high as 2.5 billion.

It was also stated that they believe there is an active FBI investigation ongoing in Little Rock and under the DOJ in Utah. If true it would explain why Huber did not attend the hearing as he would be unable to comment on an open investigation.